Tuesday, June 30, 2020

Tip Tuesday: Dog vehicle safety during the Summer

Summer is here and it is heating up. Now that we are sort of getting back to “normal” we might be traveling with our pets in the vehicle. There are very important ways to handle having your pet out in the Summer heat. Here are some tips to make sure your dog is safe in your vehicle this Summer. 

First things first, you should never leave your pet alone in your vehicle no matter the circumstances as they can potentially hurt themselves. If you were to leave your dog inside your vehicle, in the heat, there can be many health risks involved. When you turn your vehicle off, the temperature inside can increase 30-50 degrees. So imagine it is 75 degrees outside, it can get to be over 100 degrees inside your vehicle during Summer and hot days. A human should definitely not be left inside let alone an animal. A lot of pet owners believe they can leave their dog inside the vehicle as long as the window is cracked, this is not true. Your dog could suffer from many health issues for being in the hot vehicle for just a few minutes. 

The best practise it to take your dog with you. If you cannot, make sure you have someone with you who can stay in the vehicle with your dog as your vehicle is running. Safe temperatures for leaving your dog inside your vehicle are, above freezing and below 70 degrees. I personally feel more comfortable bringing my dog with me as they are a little anxious and would be afraid if I left them in the car alone. Please refer to the chart below for more information regarding safe temperatures.

All in all, just be responsible when handling your dog in the heat. You are there to protect them and keep them safe at any time of the year. The best practice is to never leave them in any extreme temperature or heat. Care for them as you would want them to care for you. We here at Jerry Noonan’s Auto Center hope you have a happy and safe Summer with your family and pets! 

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