Thursday, July 9, 2020

How hot can my car get inside?

Greenhouses are specifically designed to absorb and hold heat. As sunlight pours in through the glass or plastic it heats everything up inside. Your vehicle does the same. Heat radiates from all the components on the inside of your vehicle and can not circulate out if the windows are shut. This is why car manufacturers make vehicle AC units powerful. 

The fastest rise of temperature in your car occurs as soon as you turn off your AC. If your vehicle is parked in the sun, after about an hour, the temperature inside could rise 43 degrees higher than the outdoor air. After the 90 minute mark it could rise to 48 degrees higher. So if it is 90 degrees outside in a matter of 90 minutes the inside temperature of your car could reach 138 degrees. Imagine leaving groceries in that? Knowing this, keeping a freezer bag or a cooler in your car for your groceries is a good idea. 

A lot of stores in NJ are open now, it is important to keep this in mind when shopping. We here at Jerry Noonan’s Auto Center hope you are continuing to stay well. Have a great Summer!

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