Wednesday, June 24, 2020

How do I defog my windshield in the Summer?

During the Summer months, we typically blast the air conditioning in our vehicles to keep us cool. It’s only on those super nice days we will roll the windows down. Well just because it is Summer time does not mean we are free from fog on our windshields. Fog can accumulate on our windows and windshields with any extreme temperature, too hot, too cold. 

In the Summer the outside temperature is usually hot and the temperature inside our vehicles is cooler. This can cause fog and condensation on your windshield, but it is on the outside. Having fog on the outside of the windshield is an easy fix. If you are using your air conditioning on the coldest temp setting; try switching to a higher temperature setting (in the AC mode) and the fog should dissipate. It is a good idea to move the vents from hitting the windows and windshield directly.. And since the fog is on the outside of the windshield, using your wiper blades can get rid of it as you work on regulating the temperatures inside. 

We here at Jerry Noonan’s Auto Center hope these tips help you this Summer when battling fog. Have a safe and happy Summer season! 

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