Thursday, April 22, 2021

Earth Day 2021: What do we do at Jerry Noonan's Auto Center to benefit the environment?


Happy Earth Day! This year is the 51st anniversary of this great holiday and it is definitely one to celebrate. Today and everyday, our planet Earth is important. It gives us life and so many other beautiful things like beaches, mountains, deserts, the rain forest, and more. We as the human race have a responsibility to take care of this planet and at Jerry Noonan’s Auto Center, we try to do our part. 

Besides basic recycling practice of bottles, glass and paper, we also recycle oil and vehicle parts. One of the cooler things we do here and is eco friendly, is the use of Envirobase High Performance Paint. This paint is from PPG and we use it in our paint booth. Their waterborne paint is beneficial to the environment because it:

  • Reduces the production of volatile organic compounds or VOC
  • Improves air quality 
  • Safer for the health of our employees

The Envirobase High Performance is not only eco friendly but effective as it gives you a quality finished product. Being that the product does not have as much VOCs it provides a better work environment for our employees. The harsh odors that come with solvent paints are practically gone which is a huge plus for our painter and other auto body technicians. 

All of us here at Jerry Noonan’s Auto Center hope you do something, even as small as turning off the water when you brush your teeth, to help protect our beautiful home, planet Earth. We also hope you learned something about our environmental procedures here at the shop and have a fantastic rest of your week!! 

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