Thursday, October 22, 2020

Movie Cars: White Lightning


White Lighting was released in 1973 starring Burt Reynolds. This was before his time with Smokey and the Bandit. Reynolds has a pretty good claim to fame for acting in movies where he gets to drive cool cars and run from the cops. This film was no different from that. Reynold’s character Gator was in prison but released early to help the FBI catch a dirty policeman, one who killed his brother. Gator thought this would be great because he would get vengeance for his brother and get to take down a villain. 

The car Gator drives is a 1971 Ford Galaxie Custom 500. The Ford was excellently driven by Reynolds. Hal Needham, the stunt coordinator and Reynolds’ stunt double, even does a 63 foot jump over the water and lands on a moving barge. This jump does unfortunately damage the undercarriage of the car and that was not intended. When he took the jump the barge captain did not accelerate enough causing Needham to just grab the edge of the barge. He jumped out of the car and then it sank to the bottom of the river. 

Well, we here at Jerry Noonan’s Auto Center hope you enjoyed another segment of movie cars. Stay tuned for more!!

Information and Photo from here

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