Wednesday, September 23, 2020

Movie Cars: Vanishing Point

 The movie Vanishing Point was released in 1971. This movie is about a car delivery driver, Kowalski and his journey to get a 1970 Dodge Challenger from Colorado to San Francisco. The catch is, he made a bet to get that vehicle to California in less than 15 hours, so you can imagine all the antics involved. This movie created a huge fan base for the 1970 Challenger and made the car even more popular than it already was. 

There were actually 5 Challengers used during the filming of the movie (which were on loan from Chrysler). The Challenger in the movie was white but rumors are that one of the cars used actually went through a repaint. It is said that during one of the scenes, you can see some green paint when the main character, Kowalski, was changing a tire. 

We here at Jerry Noonan’s Auto Center hope you enjoyed this segment of Movie Cars featuring Vanishing Point. Wishing you a happy Fall season! 

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