Tuesday, August 25, 2020

Tip Tuesday: Hurricane Vehicle Preparation

We are in the midst of hurricane season and it is very important that you take certain precautions when a storm is on the way. You know batten down the hatches, secure lawn and patio furniture, secure your garbage and recycle bins, and don’t forget about your vehicle! A hurricane is upon us this coming week so this Tip Tuesday will go into a few things you can do to prepare your vehicle to be safe during the storm. 

First and foremost, it is important to have a full tank of gas; just in case you need to evacuate.

  • Make sure your wiper blades are in good condition, if they are streaking, it might be time for a new pair.
  • Be sure to check your vehicle battery level. If your battery is dead, your car will not start and you don’t want this happening to you in an emergency situation. 
  • Take some photos of your car before the storm comes. Just in case your vehicle gets damaged from any debris, having these photos will come in handy when trying to file an insurance claim. 
  • If you have a garage, park your vehicle inside. If you don’t have one, or you can’t fit all your vehicles inside, park your vehicle against your house. This will protect it from being battered from the winds. Also do not park your vehicle under or near any trees, power lines, or anything you know that could damage it. 

After the storm passes, you should make sure your vehicle has no damage. This would be a great time to use those photos you took before the storm came! If you are going to travel on the road, it might be difficult due to down trees and power lines so just be aware and careful. There also might be flooding on the road, be sure not to drive through any water as you don’t know what could be in it. 

Hurricane Laura is coming and hopefully with these tips and tricks you can properly protect your vehicle. We here at Jerry Noonan’s Auto Center hope that you stay safe out there! 

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