Monday, October 21, 2019

Mini Blog: Wands for Wildlife

Appalachian Wildlife Refuge is a nonprofit rehabilitation organization in Western North Carolina. They take in injured and orphaned animals like opossums, bunnies, and owls. They raise and nurse them back to health and set them free! They use mascara wands to remove fly eggs and larvae from the feathers and fur of the animals. They are perfect to use because the bristles are close together and gentle to use on the animals

In our waiting room we have a collection box for your used and cleaned mascara wands. AWR has two collection months because they get so many wands, and one of them is October. So, at the end of this month, we will be sending in our wands. If you would like to bring by your mascara wands to drop in our box make sure you do so by the end of the month. The next collection time is February. Thank you for donating, recycling, and helping animals in need!

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