Monday, July 8, 2019

Giveback Programs

Making the Earth a better place is definitely something important. Here at JNAC we take that very strongly and wanted to create something for our community to be involved in that can better the environment. We now have two collection boxes in the waiting room one for the Appalachian Wildlife Refuge and the other for Earthworks. These are two organizations that recycle some materials that aren’t typically recycled.

Appalachian Wildlife Refuge is a nonprofit in Western North Carolina. They take in injured and orphaned animals like opossums, bunnies, and owls. They raise and nurse them back to health and set them free! They use mascara wands to remove fly eggs and larva from the feathers and fur of the animals. They are perfect to use because the bristles are close together and gentle to use on the animals.

Earthworks is a company in Ohio who recycles credit cards, old licenses, loyalty cards, gift cards, etc. They grind up the cards then form it into a sheet and make new cards for a variety of consumers. No new plastic is being made for any of the cards, so there is no waste.

AWR collects the wands in February and October of each year. We have a box in the waiting room where you can deposit your used and cleaned mascara wands. Once it reaches one of the collection months we will send them in! You can also visit their website to see if you would like to donate anything else to the foundation as they are a nonprofit and can use supplies.

Earthworks takes any cards, from loyalty cards to expired licenses. If you have any cards with personal information on them please be sure to cut them up. The collection box for Earthworks has a lock and key to respect your privacy.

Please consider bringing in your cleaned mascara wands and expired or used PVC material cards. We want to make the Earth a better place and we need your help. Together we can make a difference so please keep us in mind when you use up that Cheesecake Factory gift card or upgrade to a new mascara. The animals and the future of our planet will appreciate it.

Here are the links for each of the foundations if you’d like to do your own research or donate to them personally.


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