Monday, November 12, 2018

Preventive Maintenance - Wheel Alignments

To have a properly aligned vehicle, all your tires should point in the same direction. Your vehicle's alignment can fall out of place over time just by regular driving and hitting small bumps in the road, or hitting those big New Jersey potholes that we are all too familiar with.  Hitting a big pothole or curb can throw your wheel alignment out of whack and your vehicle should be checked right after to ensure safety.

Not having your vehicle properly aligned can mean replacing your tires sooner than anticipated, which can be costly.  When your vehicle is out of alignment, it causes the tires to wear unevenly and faster than they would normally wear. 

Key factors to tell if you need a wheel alignment is if your car is pulling to one side or the other, and if you can see the outer or inner edges of your tires being worn down quicker than the rest of the tire. 

Maintaining your wheel alignment can help you get the most out of your tires, and also ensure that all steering and suspension components are safe.  These can also play a role in your alignment.  At Jerry Noonan's Auto Center, we suggest having an alignment performed once a year or every 15,000 miles.

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