Tuesday, May 28, 2019

Tip Tuesday: Conventional vs Synthetic Oil

Benefits of Using Synthetic Motor Oil:

Synthetic oil is distilled, purified, and broken down to a molecular state to remove more impurities. Since it is so broken down, the oil can be made into many combinations that work for modern engines. These customized molecules provide more protection and performance than conventional oil. Conventional oil is more crude and wears away faster. Synthetic oil degrades slower and retains higher levels of engine protection between oil drains. When choosing synthetic oil you can expect less frequent oil changes.

Here are some key benefits when using a synthetic motor oil:

Keeps your engine cleaner: 
Conventional oil can form sludge over time which can reduce the efficiency and the life of your engine. Synthetic oil is purified differently and has less impurities so sludge formation can be better resisted. This will keep your engine cleaner and running strong.

Offers greater engine wear protection:
Engine components wear over time and especially in extreme environments. Motor oil is the protective barrier between these components which you would want to use the best type for your vehicle. Conventional oil will wear down faster leaving these components to break down sooner, whereas synthetic oil will protect longer, prolonging the life of your engine.

Flows better in lower temperatures:
When your vehicle is turned on, oil is pumped to and through your engine components. In colder weather, like here in the winter months of New Jersey, conventional oil will take longer to flow due to its properties. Synthetic oil is formulated to flow quickly in colder temperatures so there is no need to worry about protecting your engine during start ups.

Protects better in high temperatures:
Your engine gets really, really hot on its own and when driving in hotter weather this combination can cause your engine oil to break down or evaporate. Synthetic oil is designed to resist breaking down during these conditions as compared to conventional oil.

Protect critical turbocharger parts:
Car manufacturers are building smaller engines for better fuel economy and adding turbochargers to boost power. The turbocharger works super fast and the shaft can spin up to 200,000 RPM so it is very important that the oil can get to the shaft to lubricate it quickly. Conventional oil can break down faster in these conditions, leaving deposits on the turbocharger which can cause failure to the components. Synthetic oil can protect better and keep these important parts working at peak performance.

Since synthetic oil is a special made product it is more expensive than conventional oil, but is proven to last longer and is better for your engine, which makes it beneficial in the long run. As always, please check with your owner’s manual to see what is recommended for your particular vehicle.

Please check out Mobil Oil* for more information on the benefits of synthetic oil. If you would like an oil change, stop by or call (609-655-2886) to make an appointment. We look forward to hearing from you.


Tuesday, May 21, 2019

Tip Tuesday: Potholes

Warmer weather is finally here! This may be getting you in the mood for sitting on the beach, relaxing in the park, or anything else that will get you outside. It is also a good time to have your vehicle checked for any tire, wheel, or suspension damage all those New Jersey potholes may have caused. If you are planning a trip to the shore, an outing, or vacation, you definitely want your car riding smoothly.

Did you know potholes are caused by water seeping into cracks in the roadway. Over time, water trickles through the cracks of the top layer into the base layer. Once the colder weather comes, all the water that is trapped below in the base layer will freeze and thaw. During these freezing and thawing processes the layer will lift and crack more due to the growing ice and from weight of the cars above. As more and more cars drive over the weakened areas of the road, the potholes form; the top layer caves into the base layer.

How fast and how hard you drive into a pothole is an important factor of the amount of damage you may incur. The depth of the pothole also plays a role in the extent of damage that could happen.

A significant jolt into a pothole can cause your vehicle’s wheel to bend. This in turn can cause a poor seal between the tire and the wheel which results in air leakage and flat tires. The impact can also knock off wheel weights causing your tire to become off balance. Also as a result of a hard hit, your tire may develop a bulge (impact break) in the sidewall or an unrepairable puncture in which case your tire will need to be replaced.

Repeatedly driving into potholes increases wear and tear of your suspension components which affects overall performance. Over time you may start to notice that your vehicle handles differently, rides a bit bouncy, or pulls to one side. You may also experience poor steering, vibrations, or clunky noises coming from the front end. All these symptoms indicate  damage to your suspension system which in turn causes an increase in uneven tire wear. As a result of any suspension damage your vehicle will require repair as well as an alignment.

If your vehicle drives into a pothole deep enough and hits hard enough, you may experience damage to the undercarriage and break other mechanical components as well.

Now that warmer weather is here, before you set out, consider making an appointment for us to inspect your vehicle. We will make sure you are good to go on those long awaited road trips. You can stop by or make an appointment by calling 609-655-2886. Wishing you safe and happy motoring.

Tuesday, May 14, 2019

Tip Tuesday: Wiper Blades

Living in New Jersey you know the weather can be unpredictable at times. One day it is warm and 70 degrees then the next day it drops down to 45 degrees with constant rain. Making sure your wiper blades are in tip top shape is always a benefit because you never know when you will need them.

With all the rainy weather we have been having these past few weeks it’s a good idea to check them. Wiper blades should be replaced every 15,000 miles or about every year. They are very important when driving in any precipitation because they help you see clearer which allows you to drive safer.

Did you know that the best way to test your wipers’ functionality is when they are wet? Using your wiper blades on a dry windshield causes them to wear quicker. There is a possibility that you could scratch your windshield too from gritty dirt trapped under the blade. Worn blades can also cause scratches. If you think you need your wipers replaced, please stop by! We carry top rated brands like Bosch and Trico which come in various sizes and fit most standard vehicles.

Tuesday, May 7, 2019

Small Business Week: Our Story

This week we recognize small businesses all around the nation. The President of the United States, over 50 years ago, brought this to our attention so we can honor those who work for and own small businesses. During this week, we wanted to celebrate our shop's history and talk about how we came to be.

Becoming a business owner was always a thought in my dad’s mind; especially one that had to deal with cars, as he is an automotive enthusiast. And on March 1, 1987, that thought became a reality.

The company started out as being called Jerry Noonan’s Half Acre Mobile and was at a different location than where it is today. It consisted of a Mobile gas station with two bays and an office. His first employees were family members that did the bookkeeping, office work and gas pumping. He did all the repairs.

As the business grew, he hired other mechanics and people to work at the pumps. At one point my dad realized that his business was out growing the location so he needed to start looking for a bigger facility and came across the property of where we are today.

During the process of changing locations there was also a name change for the company. The “Half Acre Mobile” part of the name became “Auto Center” as the gas station wording was no longer relevant. And by 1996 the business became incorporated.

The new location housed one building that consisted of two lifts and an office. It really wasn’t much bigger than where he was previously but because he owned the property this time, my dad knew he could make changes.

He decided to add a building that would hold enough bays to meet the needs of the customers and also provide a section to do auto body. This meant hiring more technicians and administrative people.

So here we are today in 2019 a 14 bay shop consisting of auto body and mechanical repair. We have 5 people up front in the offices, including myself and my dad, 4 people in the mechanical side, and 5 people in the auto body side, including my brother. My mom does the bookkeeping and administrative work usually at home, but she is still a part of this family business.

We all work there now and helped bring my dad’s dream into a reality. In a short lesson, do not give up on your dreams. They may be hard to achieve but if you put your mind to it, anything can be accomplished. This year we celebrate 32 years of business and we would not be where we are today without my dad’s hard work,our employees, and our customers.

*Picture: Drawing by my brother Michael, 29 years ago, at age 5.