Thursday, January 31, 2019

How the Cold Weather Can Affect Your Car

With our region seeing below freezing temperatures, those temperatures can affect your car.  So what do you have to be aware of when it is this cold?

1. Your battery can die because of the cold weather.  The extremely cold temperatures actually pulls the voltage from a battery, making it harder to start your car.  Car batteries usually last an average of three years, so the best thing to do is have your battery tested to ensure that it is strong enough to withstand the frigid weather.

2. The fluids in your car can start to thicken, and not allow your car to run properly.  We suggest checking all your fluids before the temperatures drop to ensure that you have the correct amount and the fluid is clean.  Transmission fluid is an important one, since this fluid needs to be able to move quickly, and your car won't function if it is flowing at a slow pace.

3. Tire pressure can typically lose one pound per square inch (psi) for every 10 degree temperature drop.  Check your tire pressure to ensure that your tires are properly inflated.  Under-inflated tires do not perform well and can cause damage to the tire itself.

4. Wipers and windshield washer fluid can fail.  Wipers can easily rip because of the frigid temperatures and clearing off a windshield of snow, ice, or slush.  Clean off your windshield first before using your windshield wipers.  Windshield washer fluid can freeze in extremely low temperatures, so use caution when using the fluid.

Here at Jerry Noonan's Auto Center, we understand that the cold temperatures can be a burden to you and your car.  For that reason, we provide a Winter Weather Check that goes over all the components listed above as well as the heating system, all belts, and overall condition of the vehicle.  Call us today to schedule your appointment!

Wednesday, January 23, 2019

Preventive Maintenance - Brake Fluid Service

Brake fluid is one of the main components that keeps your brakes working and stopping on time.  When you push on the brake pedal, the master cylinder pressurizes the brake fluid, making sure the car stops.  

When your vehicle doesn't have the correct amount of clean brake fluid, it would lessen or possibly eliminate your braking power.  Over time, brake fluid attracts moisture, and because of this becomes corrosive.  This corrosive fluid can eat at the braking system, causing leaks in the system.  Some potential signs of a leak are reduced stopping power, hard pedal or a spongy pedal.  

Since keeping your brake fluid free of corrosive material and of contaminants is vital, we recommend performing a brake fluid exchange every 30,000 miles or two years, whichever comes first.  This will help keep your vehicle's braking system safe and fully operable.

Making sure you have the correct amount of fluid is just as important to keep the system properly pressurized.  At Jerry Noonan's Auto Center, every vehicle that comes in receives a complimentary safety inspection, or as we like to call it, a courtesy check.  Our technicians always inspect the brake fluid condition and level during the courtesy check.  

Not sure if you need to have your brake fluid or brakes serviced?  Give us a call, and we will be able to help you out with any of your brake system questions.

Friday, January 18, 2019

Preventive Maintenance - Oil Changes

It is important to never skip out on an oil change!

The oil in your vehicle keeps your engine running smoothly.  Having routine oil changes is very important to the longevity and life of your engine.  

Did you know that over time, oil can turn into sludge?  This sludge can clog up oil passages and restrict your engine from getting oil, which can prematurely wear out internal components of your engine.  The detergents and additives in the oil (which help clean your engine) break down over time as well.  

While the manufacturers all have different recommendations based on mileage, here at Jerry Noonan's Auto Center we recommend 3000 miles/3 months for conventional oil, and 5000 miles/6 months for synthetic oil.  At these intervals, we have seen the best results for keeping engine oil clean and efficient.  

Even if you don't drive too much, or only take short trips that don't really add on any mileage, it is just as important to get an oil change on time.  The more the oil sits in a vehicle, especially when it isn't constantly being used, the faster is can break down and become sludge.  

Oil is like the lifeline of your vehicle.  So it is very important to always keep on a schedule for your oil changes.